SEA CITY is the School of Environment and Architecture’s outreach programme. SEA City organizes events, lectures, symposia and exhibitions in order to engage with the larger artistic and cultural discursive sphere within and outside the city. SEA City events are completely open to all public, and are attended by a diverse group of people including students, architects, professionals, academics and locals.
NEXT on SEA Conversations
The Bookmakers
Winter 2024-25At SEA, the uncertain and unclear relationship between texts and space has been one of the core focuses of discussion and exploration. We have experimented with drawings and performances as bridges to create new possibilities for these connections. In this series, we invite people who work with texts - writers, translators, biographers, and even book collectors - to help us delve deeper into this relationship. In many ways, they capture the energies of their subjects, offering new meanings through their texts. The series will include book launches, readings by authors and translators, and an exhibition of a book collection.
Nov 15, 2024.
Sonal Mithal (co-authored with Arul Paul)
A Queer Reading of Nawabi Architecture and the Colonial Archive: Lucknow Queerscapes (Routledge, 2024)
Dec 10, 2024.
Nihal Perera
People’s Spaces: Coping, Familiarising, Creating (Routledge, 2016)
Dec 20, 2024.
Prasad Khanolkar
Passages of Play in Urban India: People, Media, Objects and Spaces in Mumbai’s Slum Localities, (Routledge, 2023)
Jan 17, 2025.
Mustansir Dalvi
Charles Correa: Citizen Charles (Niyogi Books, 2024)
Feb 21, 2025.
V Ramaswami
Translator of four volumes of short fiction of the anti-establishment and experimental Bangla writer, Subimal Misra: The Golden Gandhi Statue from America (2010), Wild Animals Prohibited (2015), Two Anti-Novels (2019), and The Earth Quakes (2024), all published by Harper Perennial.
Mar 07, 2025.
Shveta Sarda
Trickster City (Viking 2010) and translation of the book Mayyadas ki Mari / Mansion by Bhisham Sahani (Penguin, 2016)
Mar 21, 2025.
Priyesh Gothwal
BOOKSHOW on artists’ book (19-21 March)
this lecture series is supported by the Urban Centre Mumbai. It is open to everyone across the world.
visit www.sea-city.in for event details
A SEA City initiative