Annual Conferences

The Annual Conference at SEA anchors the Graduation event and recurs once every year. It is generally planned along with the Graduation ceremony. The conference brings together 4-8 international experts in conversation with the faculty at the school, to further the inquiries at the school and position them (internationally) within the academic sphere. The Conference curatorially attempts to catalyze contemporary underpinnings of spatial practice within one’s context. It brings together students, practitioners, academics and the public from different parts of the city and country. The annual conference must allow the academic and strategic networks of the school while inviting fresh perspectives within one’s own thinking ecology. The conference shall be planned as a city-wide event to accommodate larger publics while being open to everyone across the world via virtual interfaces.

Symposiums are discussions that take place over two to four days at the school, around designed session topics. Symposia at SEA offers an opportunity for a broader student engagement with the invited speakers, and often, events where students are in direct conversation with the speakers. The symposia at the school may be open to the public. All student and postgraduate research at the school may be discussed through the format of symposium. Over the year, four such events shall be planned regularly:

  1. Dissertation Project Symposium
    // To discuss the final year research works of the students enrolled for the five year B Arch programme

  2. Thesis Symposiums
    // To discuss the final year thesis design propositions of the students enrolled for the five year B Arch programme

  3. Research Projects Symposiums
    //  To bring the research associates and research heads involved with the research verticals at the school in discussion with invited external experts.

  4. Graduation Symposium
    // Fully student driven discussions engaging the graduating student body from across the country bringing them in conversation with those at the school.