Annual Exhibition 2023-24


opens on
13 Feb., 2024, 4:00 pm
Timings: 10 am to 6 pm

Fabulations exhibits ten years of contemplation and riyaz at SEA drawing new contours and lines of conversation between diverse works while fabulating new possibilities to conceptualise and inhabit space. The exhibition is an invitation to visit, occupy, inhabit, play, read, make notes, debate, speculate and entangle oneself in the circuits of what it means to think of architecture from its multiple dimensions. Through these multiple forms of occupancy, Fabulations invites participants from all walks of life to engage with SEA’s works and build a conversation between those who imagine and those who produce spaces of inhabitation.

School of Environment & Architecture
CKP Colony
Borival West
Mumbai - 400 091

The exhibition is open to everyone. 
Earthworms dance, Elephants fly, Impossible assemblages do impossible things; Machines are made to punish loved ones

Drawings become means to draw the contours of deep relationships; it matters if these are faint, indeterminate, unending entangled, muddy, fuzzy or giant maps that one can walk on

Buildings are cooked, Objects, Spaces, Concepts, Experiences, and Relationships converge

Architectural type traces the contours of space as it shapes behaviour and creates affordances

What is a School? What is a Home? What is a Library? What is a Clinic? What is a Museum?

Diverse lives and environmental flows entangle to create space

Detail and Making coalesce

House becomes home

We dance with the rhythms of cities and their occupancies

Occupation turns into inhabitation

Contact with the world

Repairing life