14-15/18-19 NOVEMBER 2022

The 2024 Undergraduate Thesis Symposium, Space Beside Itself, draws together research inquiries of SEA’s 2024-25 cohort to ask how do we read, sense and draw space otherwise. This ‘otherwise’ is held in and besides the normative, the universal, the standardised, and other hegemonic registers that dominate our space. Exploring space beside itself involves reading the limits of the standards, the norms, the types, that pervade most of architectural thinking and practice today, as well as palpating the potentialities that lie in them to rework space otherwise. The 2024-25 cohort explores both these aspects of space by asking a range of questions: How do we read space as commons? What forms of publics emerge in cities in and beyond the planned ones? What forms of practices extend public infrastructures beyond its given promise? What are the spatialities of care with which people live through the indifference of bio-political norms? What are the limits of and the affordances in urban types that populate our world? What forms of intensities emerge when cities expand and redevelop? What logics of space emerge in reading and playing in other mediums? How do we excavate, hold, or create spatial memories and histories in an eviscerating and violent present? What are the new urban forms and spatial logics that are emerging amidst the networks of power, religion and capital? What other everyday registers of space are at work amidst those of gendered and abled bodies? What spatial forms of religion and capital are shaping our world today? In exploring these questions, the undergraduate thesis seminar hopes to open up new dialogues in the fields of architecture and architectural research.
KUSH PATEL for Contemporary Art Practice Master of Arts Program, Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design, and Technology, MAHE-Bengaluru
SAROVER ZAIDI Associate Professor of Practice, Jindal School of Art and Architecture
Chair of Masters in Conservation and Regeneration Program, CEPT University
VISHWANATH KASHIKAR Sr. Associate Professor, CEPT University

with the faculty of SEA.

Join us on
14-15 / 18-19 NOVEMBER 2024

Eksar Road, CKP Colony, Borivali West, Mumbai - 400 091

This event is free and open to the public. The event has been partly supported by Urban Centre Mumbai.

A SEA City Initiative.

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