SEA City Conversations
Winter 2019
78. SEA Undergraduate Thesis Symposium
Vishwanath Kashikar, Prasad Khanolkar & Sarover Zaidi
14th – 16th November 2019
YouTube Link #078 (NA)
80. The Architecture of Sinan and the World View
By Neesha Mevada
13th December 2019
YouTube Link #080
81. "Hunting the key to the world's climate" Melting ice and the new / old “spirit of discovery”
By Nanna Heidenrich
10th January 2020
YouTube Link #081 (NA)
83. Songs of Turbulence
International Symposium
Lecture - 1 YouTube Link #083a
Lecture -2 YouTube Link #083b
Lecture -3 YouTube Link #083b
Lecture -4 YouTube Link #083d
Lecture -5 YouTube Link #083e
84. Field Journeys: Experiences of a traveling architecture practice
By Faiza Khan & Suril Patel
28th February 2020
YouTube Link #084
85. Urban Since Ages
By Suraj Pandit
13th March 2020
YouTube Link #085